About WE3A

About Us

About us

WE3A, is a three-year project funded by WeFi and IDB Lab that seeks to strengthen women-led/owned Small and Medium Enterprises (WSMEs) in Central and South American Countries by enabling value chain integration. The project is named after its three main program components, Aspire, Activate and Accelerate, where high-quality business training is delivered through various innovative, digital means. People in the business ecosystem get inspired and understand the value of women in business by hearing the stories of successful women business owners (Aspire); women entrepreneurs in nascent or emerging ecosystems build their capacity to start or improve their business practices through high quality training platforms and materials designed by Thunderbird School of Global Management (Activate); and women entrepreneur in advanced stages of being in business, scale and access value chains at the regional and international business levels through certification with WEConnect International (Accelerate).

WE3A Objective

WE3A objective is to focuses on providing women-owned small and medium enterprises (SMEs) with the tools they need to access value chains and support networks. WE3A will facilitate world-class training, access to the value chain, resources, networks, and growth opportunities for participants.

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Facts And Figures

Company representatives learn the value of gender lens inclusion in their value chains
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Women will receive training
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Countries Served

WE3A Mission

We aim to provide women entrepreneurs the tools and abilities to leverage digital technology, build resilience, and overcome intrinsic barriers. Allowing women entrepreneurs to grow and strive in today’s rapidly changing business environment.

WE3A is active in six countries, including Costa Rica, Ecuador, El Salvador, Guatemala, Guyana, and Honduras. The project collaborates with international and local partners; to ensure the delivery of workshops, services, and support needed for the participants to succeed.


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